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Senior Project: JCATI


Maggie Romero, Aaron Eastman, Parker Sudderth, Matthew Denchel, & Sean Tomkins.

As commercial aircraft wings get replaced these wings end up going to the landfill since there is now way to remove the resin off the wings to reuse the carbon fiber. The project JCATI is a program funded by Boeing that has different colleges and universities to solve this issue. Trimmings of the wings are sent to the colleges and they must be able to crush, shred and remove the resin of the shreds with heat. This process would able to help the amount of waste going into landfills as well as reducing the cost of materials since the carbon fiber can be used to create new wings. There  is also environmental aspects to the oven that measures the heat in and out of the system and verifying the removal of the resin.


Sections of Project


My motivation for selecting this project is that I want to create product that help recycle and reduce our waste and or help the planet and people safe. With this project I will help recycle carbon fiber from entering landfill and I will be working on the environmental aspects of the device so that harmful argon air does not leave the device and affect those around it as well as making sure no burns can happen when touching the device.

Engineering Merit

This project will be able to apply heat dissipation, fluid dynamics, and energy efficiency. With heat dissipation, it should be able to find the material and time it takes to maintain the heat and have the outer surface be at a certain temperature. With fluid dynamics, it should be able to measure the gas leaving and entering and the amount of oxygen in the system. With energy efficiency, it should be able to find the amount of energy needed in the system and how it can be improved. 

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